2013年9月23日 星期一

In-class exercise

  1. When was this photo taken?  Lori's first year at university
  2. Who took the photo?  Lori Smith
  3. Where was this photo taken?  The photo was taken at round the corner from his halls of residence
  4. Why was this photo taken?  Because the narrator thinks this quote is inspiring
  5. Why is this photo meaningful for the writer?  Because the narrator thinks if everyone use these kind of view point to view gay, then there is less discrimination.
  6. What is the story behind this photo?  The narrator move into the residence where didn't have discrimination with gay. And she found this inspiring graffiti.
  7. Who are the characters in the story?  Lori Smith and her friends.
  8. Where is the setting?  In the Lori's residence.
  9. What are the series of Events? Lori moved into this residence and found that there is no threatening toward gay. Then she found this graffiti.
  10. What is the 'tension' generated in the story?  She found that she live with the gay is peaceful.
  11. What is the climax in the story?  The residences live in here are so peace and even few girls can go to the gar to have fun without hassle.
  12. What is the resolution?  Something change their mind and thought
  13. What is the message behind the story?  We should learn to change our thought, and the world will be better.

